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Service Info:

Service Name:San Luis Physical Therapy, Valley-Wide Health Systems, Inc.
Areas Served:Alamosa County, Conejos County, Costilla County, Mineral County, Rio Grande County, Saguache County
Quick Search:Therapy (Physical, Speech, etc.)
Service Description:At Valley-Wide Health Systems, we are dedicated to providing patients of all ages with quality, comprehensive primary and preventive health care. We provide Physical Therapy integrated services within our system of care. We deliver healthcare that is team-based, comprehensive, accessible and committed to safety and quality. Being patient-centered means that you, the patient, are in partnership with your healthcare team. The team consists of you, your family, and the healthcare team. Valley-Wide accepts most private insurances, HealthFirst Colorado/Medicaid, Medicare, the Colorado Child Health Plan Plus and the Colorado Indigent Care Program. We also offer a Sliding Fee Discount Program for anyone who qualifies. The San Luis Valley is a uniquely diverse and beautiful region and we strive to provide the very best culturally appropriate and effective health care to its residents. ----------En Valley-Wide Health Systems, nos dedicamos a brindar a pacientes de todas las edades atención médica primaria y preventiva integral y de calidad. Brindamos servicios integrados de fisioterapia dentro de nuestro sistema de atención. Brindamos atención médica basada en equipo, integral, accesible y comprometida con la seguridad y la calidad. Estar centrado en el paciente significa que usted, el paciente, está asociado con su equipo de atención médica. El equipo está formado por usted, su familia y el equipo de atención médica. Valley-Wide acepta la mayoría de los seguros privados, HealthFirst Colorado/Medicaid, Medicare, Colorado Child Health Plan Plus y Colorado Indigent Care Program. También ofrecemos un programa de descuento de tarifa móvil para cualquier persona que califique. El Valle de San Luis es una región excepcionalmente diversa y hermosa y nos esforzamos por brindar la mejor atención médica culturalmente apropiada y efectiva a sus residentes.
Website Address:https://valley-widehealth.org/
Referral Required?No

Service Location:

Service Location Name:San Luis Physical Therapy, Valley-Wide Health Systems, Inc.
Mailing Address:233 Main Street, Suite B
San Luis, CO 81152
Physical Address:233 Main Street, Suite B
San Luis, CO 81152
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Service Public Contact:

Program Contact Person:Receptionist/Recepcionista
Program Contact Job Title:Receptionist/Recepcionista
Mailing Address:
Physical Address:
Email Address: info@valley-widehealth.org
Phone: (719) 672-3352
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